Fern Flower
Published on October 29, 2020

The Phantom Carriage

The Movie DataBase
January 1, 1921
An alcoholic, abusive ne'er-do-well is shown the error of his ways through a legend that dooms the last person to die on New Year's Eve before the clock strikes twelve to take the reins of Death's chariot and work tirelessly collecting fresh souls for the next year.


"The driver", or " Ghostly cart "(Swedish. "Körkarlen") is a philosophical and mystical silent film by Swedish Director Viktor Shestrem, released in 1920.

"The driver" was one of the first films to use flashback (temporarily stopping the narration of the storyline in order to show the viewer the events of the past) – a technique that later became very popular.


The beginning of new year's eve. Sister Edith of the salvation Army is dying of tuberculosis. In the last hours of her life, she asks for David Holm, an alcoholic who came from far away and settled in their city. A man named Gustavsson is sent to fulfill the request.

Holm and two drinking buddies celebrate at the cemetery. Five minutes before the start of the new year, Holm tells his friends a story about his late friend Georg, a big fun-loving man who grew gloomy every New year because he was afraid to die on new year's eve when the clock was striking. There is a legend that the last person who died in the past year, all next year will carry a ghostly cart on which the souls of dead sinners are sent to the other world. This is what happened to Georg afterwards – he was the last to die last year, so he is now, in theory, acting as a driver.

At these words, Gustavsson approaches the trio and asks Holm to go to his sister Edith. Holm refuses. Gustavsson leaves. Friends begin to persuade Holm to go. A fight ensues, in which Holm is accidentally killed just before the clock strikes. Realizing what they've done, the drinking buddies run away. Holm's soul leaves his body. A ghostly cart pulls up to him, with George – David's friend-sitting on the box. He tells Holm that he is sorry for what he did to His family. Together they remember that before meeting Georg and his friends, Holm was a good man and an exemplary family man, raising two children with his wife. But one day I got into their company, started drinking with them and pulled my brother, who killed a man while drunk. As a result, both of them went to prison. David was soon released. When he returned home, he found that his wife and children had run away in an unknown direction. He went in search of them all over Sweden and after a while got to the city where the main action takes place. This is where his family took refuge. Holm wandered into a salvation Army charity event attended by his wife and children. Mrs. Holm also saw her husband, but he did not see her. She asked her sister Edith, the organizer of the action, not to give her to David. Holm is staying at the flophouse where Edith works. She considered it her duty to re-educate Holm, but he did not give in and continued to drink until the beginning of the film.

After the flashbacks, Georg takes David to the dying Edith, who is happy to see him. She dies with a smile, and George tells David that "others will take care of her soul" (probably angels). David repents and asks George not to take his soul. Georg allows him to return to his body.

After being resurrected, David runs home to his wife. Depression and fear of a drunken husband led her to want to commit suicide. She spreads poison in the water and is going to Wake up the children to drink it with them. At this moment, David runs into the house and reports his remorse. Seeing his tears, his wife believes him.


According to legend, the soul of a person who died last on new year's eve, does not find peace and is forced to collect the souls of dead sinners on a ghostly cart over the next year. The driver does not touch the souls of the departed saints, "others" come for them (who exactly, the film does not specify, probably – angels or their messengers). Usually the driver comes to the already dead person, picks up his soul and puts it in the cart.

The driver wears a dark cloak with a hood and a scythe, which he does not use. All the ghosts shown in the film are semi-transparent, including the driver, his cart and the horse harnessed to it.

Ordinary people do not see the driver and the Ghost accompanying him, unlike the girl who is near death, who even conducts a conversation with them.