Fern Flower
Published on January 10, 2021

Body Snatchers

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Body Snatchers
June 9, 1993
When Environmental Protection Agency inspector Steve Malone travels to a remote military base in order to check for toxic materials, he brings his family along for the ride. After arriving at the base, his teenage daughter Marti befriends Jean Platt, daughter of the base's commander, General Platt. When people at the base begin acting strangely, Marti becomes convinced that they are slowly being replaced by plant-like aliens.


"Body Snatchers "")  is an American science fiction film released in 1993. The film is the third film adaptation of the novel of the same name Jack Finney's The Flesh Stealers, first published in 1955.

Despite quite significant changes in the plot, the film did not bring new elements to the story and seems much more boring than the earlier film adaptations.


Marty Malone, the daughter of a biologist, goes on a summer vacation with her father, stepmother and half-brother to an American military base. Her father must inspect the toxic substances stored there. In the toilet at a gas station near the base, Marty is startled by a military man who tells her a strange phrase about the danger of sleeping: "They take you when you sleep."

Soon, watching the strange behavior of the people on the base, Marty realizes that the aliens planning to take over the Earth are replacing the people with their clone counterparts. She loses her stepmother, loses her father and half-brother, and is captured by alien clones herself, but is rescued by a local helicopter pilot. Flying away, they try to kill as many aliens as possible and prevent them from spreading across the planet, but they realize that they will not win this war.

The Alien

The film shows creatures supposedly arrived from outer space (in any case, so they declare themselves, directly the history of their appearance on the planet is not revealed to us). In their infancy, they are cocoons extracted from the bottom of a local reservoir. It is not known whether they got there on their own or they were dropped off intentionally.

Once next to a sleeping person, the cocoons release long tentacles that entangle him. In the depths of the cocoon, a clone of a person develops quite quickly (in a few minutes), completely corresponding to the original, which, in turn, turns into an empty shell and crumbles to dust.

Clones are intelligent, can speak immediately after "birth", and, apparently, retain the memory of the originals. They communicate with each other using ordinary speech and, if necessary, attract the attention of their fellow humans by shouting loudly. The only difference between them and humans is their lack of emotions (a person can even pretend to be a clone if they can completely hide their feelings). You can kill a clone with ordinary firearms, while a large amount of liquid flows out of its body, and it quickly turns into a lump of mucus.

The goal of the aliens is to take over the world and replace all humans with clones.