Fern Flower
Published on August 7, 2021

Blood Red Sky

A vampire
The Movie DataBase
Blood Red Sky
July 23, 2021
A woman with a mysterious illness is forced into action when a group of terrorists attempt to hijack a transatlantic overnight flight. In order to protect her son she will have to reveal a dark secret, and unleash the inner monster she has fought to hide.


"Blood Red Sky" (English: "Blood Red Sky", also known as "Transatlantic 473") is a horror film released on July 23, 2021 by Netflix.


Nadia and her eight-year-old son are flying to the States, where they promise her an innovative treatment for a mysterious disease, because of which a woman is forced to constantly inject herself with medications. But when a group of terrorists hijacks a plane and changes course, Nadia has no choice but to release her nature and show the attackers what an angry mother is capable of.

A vampire

Vampirism is transmitted through blood and bites. The main character named Nadia becomes a vampire after being bitten by another vampire. A bitten person quickly turns into a monster, but the speed of treatment depends on the severity of the wound. Those bitten in the neck turn almost immediately. Nadia was bitten in the arm by a vampire, and not much, so the transformation is slow. You can also apply by injecting yourself with vampire blood.

If the vampire bit not in the neck, but, for example, in the arm, then you can prevent the transformation if you quickly stop the blood flow and cut off the bitten limb. There is a medicine that helps vampires maintain their human appearance. At the same time, if you stop taking the medicine and start drinking blood, the transformation accelerates, and a person quickly loses control of himself, turning into a blood-thirsty animal.

With the transformation, the human body changes: sharp long teeth and claws grow, eyes become red, movements are sharp and intermittent. My hearing is getting worse.

Vampires are afraid of sunlight and ultraviolet light. To kill a vampire, it is necessary to pierce his heart, it does not matter what-a metal knife or a wooden stake. Pistol shots and an attempt to burn alive do not cause significant damage to the monsters. Vampire wounds heal quickly, and they need to drink blood to restore their strength.