Fern Flower
Published on September 15, 2018


The Alien
The Movie DataBase
November 10, 2016
Taking place after alien crafts land around the world, an expert linguist is recruited by the military to determine whether they come in peace or are a threat.


The film "Arrival" (orig. "Arrival") refers to the genre of science-fiction. His script based on the story "the Story of your life" (1998) by American author Ted Chan.

The plot of the film, though tied to the arrival on earth of aliens and contact with them, more rooted in the philosophy and personal experiences of the main characters.

Film bad deals with issues of first contact, goals of newcomers, decryption and principles of their language, despite the fact that this is what you'd expect to see in a science fiction film on the subject. It received high marks from critics, the love of the audience, the status vysokointelektualnoy film and 8 nominations for "Oscar" award and an award for best sound editing.

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Over the surface of the Earth in twelve places around the globe, suddenly appear a huge object, named people, "shells", are believed to be of extraterrestrial origin. Trying to understand the reasons and purpose of their appearance, the U.S. secret service, contact with experts, bringing among them the linguist Louise banks and astrophysics Ian Donnelly. Louise begin to pursue strange visions about her daughter, who died from a rare disease at a young age. However, it later becomes clear that Louise sees her future with Ian's daughter.

Louise and Ian with a large group of assistants working at the facility in Montana, however, have regular contact with similar groups in eleven other cities and exchanging information. Every 18 hours the entrance to the shell opens and the team of specialists penetrate the ships. The ships are inhabited and the aliens try to make contact with earthlings through a transparent wall. The aliens resemble terrestrial cephalopods, having a body with radial symmetry and tentacles family. People call them saptapadi. Giving two newcomers conditional names of Abbott and Costello (in Russian dubbing Scarecrow and the Woodman), the humans begin the study of the structure of their language.

Over time, Louise possessed a written language heptapods and begins to message them. One of their messages Louise interpretered as "suggest a gun", which greatly worried the military. Louise believes that a multivalued alien phrase can mean "suggest a gun". Fearing the hostile intentions of the aliens, a group of radical military penetrates the shell, lays the explosives and tries to undermine the ship. The explosion does not deal damage to the ship, Abbott rescues Louise and Ian and transports them back to Earth. Meanwhile, the Chinese military also intend to attack the aliens. China, Russia, and after them the rest of the country, terminated the relationship with other groups, and the data exchange stops.

During the last session, Costello explains to Louisa that they arrived in order to help people, but after three thousand years earthlings, to develop a conversation, they will help the aliens. She also learns that Abbott died after the explosion.

Gradually understand the language of the aliens, Louise realizes that they perceive time as a dimension and, therefore, perceive past, present and future as one. As it turns out, the "weapon" is the language of heptapods: studying, Louise gets the same ability to perceive time as a whole. There are visions of meeting her and Chinese General Shang in 18 months, during which the General thanked Louise for her call, which was able to unite the country. Louise says he doesn't know his numbers, but the General shows her room and says now she knows. Thus, when the decision to start armed clashes with aliens has been made, Louise from the future learns the number of General calls to China and speaks to him the words of his dead wife, which he also told her at the meeting. China cancels its decision, the countries are combined, a large-scale conflict has been averted.

After the conflict prevention shell of the aliens disappear.

A series of visions Louisa explains the problems in his personal life and partially reveals its future.

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UFO in the movie represented by the alien ships from space, which are in number of 12 pieces suddenly appear in various regions of the Earth. The shape of the ships streamlined and resembles half of a huge grain legumes. Surface ships smooth, dark color.

The inner space of the spacecraft has at least two compartments. First, in the form of a long dark corridor ending in a sheer wall, designed for people who come in contact with aliens. This Department communicates with the surrounding space and earth's atmosphere. The second branch is much bigger and is used, apparently, for the residence of the owners of the ship, with appropriate environmental conditions.It is filled with fog and filled with light through the transparent wall penetrates into the first branch and lights it.

Inside the space ships have their own gravity, allowing people to stand in the side walls of the corridor and turns to them a vertical shaft to the horizontal tunnel.

The film also demonstrates the mini-spaceship, playing the role of the Shuttle and designed to deliver the protagonist from the surface of the Earth on a big ship.

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The Alien

The aliens arrived on Earth with the purpose of teaching people their language. It is directly connected to the perception of time, which they much different from us: for them time is not linear, and all the events occur simultaneously. According to them, this knowledge ponadobyatsya people a few thousand years, when the aliens need help.

The aliens are non-humanoid type creatures: they are enormous in size, and seven limbs, located in the lower part of the body. The sounds of their speech similar to the sounds of the earth whales.

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