Fern Flower
Published on March 26, 2018

The amphibian man

Aquatic creatures
Alexander Romanovich Belyaev


The amphibian man is a science fiction novel about a man able to live under water, written by Alexander Belyaev in 1927. The novel was first published in 1928 in the magazine "Around the world", №№ 1-13. Almost immediately, he was published in a separate edition and since then reprinted several times.

The impetus for writing "the Person-amphibians" was to Belyaev, on the one hand, memories of read in Yalta during the illness novel by the French writer Jean de La Ira "Ektanar and Mosetta", and on the other a newspaper article about a meeting held in Buenos Aires the trial of one Dr. who performed the "sacrilegious" experiments on animals and humans.

The plot:

Argentine surgeon Salvator engaged in biological research, one of their main topics – organ transplantation, including cross-species. Along the way, he provides medical assistance to Indians coming to him from all over South America. The Indians revere Salvator how he treats diseases and injuries that are considered to be uncollectible. Once Salvator bring the treatment of the child who must inevitably die, his lungs too weak. Fighting for the life of the child, the surgeon is implanting him gills of a young shark, so the child remains alive and gains the ability to breathe underwater. But to survive, he must constantly observe the regime: of the time in the water, the air, otherwise his condition will worsen. Realizing that among the poor Indians rescued to survive, Salvatore says the child's parents that he died, leaving the boy and raises him himself. So the light appears Andrew – the man-fish.

The action of the book starts many years later, when Andrew has grown up. He lives with Salvatore, swims in the ocean, where is chosen by a subsea tunnel, leading from the Villa Salvatore. The man-fish does not go unnoticed: he cut the fishing nets, it will notice fishermen or pearl diver when he swims a Dolphin, blows into the sink. Along the coast there are already rumours about a "sea devil" that lives in the ocean. The pearl divers are afraid to dive, fishermen to enter the fishery. Captain Pedro Zurita, a business of fishing for pearls, annoyed by rumours reaching him at a loss, but quickly realizes that behind them lies something real. He decides that "sea devil" is a wise animal that it would be nice to capture. Attempts to catch "the devil," networks do not work. Zurita finds out from Balthasar that the entrance to the lair of "the sea devil" leads to the Villa of Dr. Salvatore. Pedro Zurita decides to sneak into his possession, but the attempt fails. Then under the guise of the grandfather of a sick Indian girl comes to the estate of Christo – agent Surity. It is included in the trust Salvatore, and eventually finds out about Ihtiandra.

Ichthyander saves a drowning in the sea girl gutiere, the foster daughter of Balthasar, one of the henchmen Surety. Bystanders on the shore Zurita finds gutiere and assures the girl that he saved her. Amazed by the beauty gutiere, ichthyander wants to see her again, but he did not know life on the shore. With Christo it makes some go into the city, finds girl, meets with her. Gutiere have a boyfriend by the name of Olsen, but she feels sympathy for the strange boy. But, in the end, Zurita, richer and more powerful, takes gutiere wife and takes her to his estate. Andrew, after learning about the incident from Olsen's sent for the girl, but he gets Swrite. It first forced to produce pearls, chained in a long chain, and then sent, allegedly at the request gutiere, to collect values from a recently sunken ship. Gutiere manages to shout Ihtiandra that Zurita is lying and that he needed to escape. Andrew runs.

Cristo tells Balthazar about his assumption that Andrew is the son of Balthazar, who many years ago took for treatment to Salvatore. To this opinion he comes because of seen on the skin of the frogman birthmark exactly the same was the child of Balthazar, when he was referred to Salvatore. Balthazar wants to ensure that he returned the son, and filed a complaint to the Prosecutor. At the same time to the Prosecutor appeals and Zurita. The local Bishop is also against Salvator, accusing him of blasphemous experiments. The police takes Salvator and ichthyander into custody.

To this point, so often stay on land as the frogman is getting worse. Light it atrophy. Now it needs almost all the time in the water.

In court Salvatore tells the story of the frogman. He is sentenced to imprisonment, and the frogman, who was recognized due to unfamiliarity with the realities of life, incapacitated, receives custody Zurita. At the insistence of the Bishop of the frogman decide to kill by poisoning with potassium cyanide. Salvatore is a luminary of science, a very rich man, so unjust justice he is not afraid. He knows that his sentence will be short and he will soon be free. Thanks to the help of the prison warden's wife who Salvatore shortly before saved a life, and Olsen, Ihtiandra organizing an escape. Salvatore sends it to his friend-scientist to a remote island in the Pacific ocean. Andrew pulls his hand Dolphin Liding. In parting, he calls for gutiere, not knowing that she warned Olsen, behind the rock, and hear it.

Gutiere that Zurita had dared to raise his hand, divorces him and marries Olsen. They go to new York. The Professor, after serving a prison sentence, returns to research, gradually preparing for a long trip. Cristo continues to serve him. Balthazar due to the loss of a son goes crazy and becomes a beggar.

The character of the frogman became more known among the inhabitants of the Soviet Union than his predecessor, described by the French science fiction, thanks largely to the eponymous film adaptation of the novel by Gennady Kazansky and Vladimir Chebotaryov in 1961.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Aquatic creatures

Half man, foxy fish in the novel name is Andrew (from al-Greek. ἰχθύς, "fish" and ἀνήρ "man"), the uninitiated the fishermen call it "sea devil".

Within the book, he is presented as a normal phenomenon similar to the reporting on this site. Everyone is talking about it, but no one saw with his own eyes. About him the Newspapers and spread rumors:

"This is a sea God, - said the old Indian, he emerges from the depths of the ocean once in a Millennium, to restore justice on earth." Catholic priests insisted superstitious Spaniards, that it "sea devil". He began to appear to people because the population forgets the Holy Catholic Church. All these rumors passed from mouth to mouth, reached Buenos Aires. Few weeks, "sea devil" was a favorite theme of chroniclers, and the DeleteItem tabloid Newspapers.

If under unknown circumstances was sinking schooners, fishing vessels, or contaminated fishing nets or disappeared fish caught, was accused of being "sea devil". But others told me that "the devil" planted sometimes in boats big fish and once even rescued a drowning man. At least one drowning man claimed that when he was immersed in the water, someone caught him from below and behind, supporting, swam to shore, disappearing in the surf at the moment when the rescued stepped on the sand. But the most amazing thing was that the "devil" no one has seen. Nobody could describe how it looks mysterious creature. There were, of course, witnesses - they awarded "the devil" horned head, goat beard, a lion's legs and a fish tail or was represented in the form of a giant horned toad with human feet.

Scientists also argue about the origin of beings, many are skeptical of its existence.

The story begins with disparate descriptions of eyewitnesses, which allows the reader to feel the atmosphere and to create a portrait of a mysterious being.

The sounds of "sea devil", describe as follows:

- No, not imagined. We've all heard "Oh!.." and the sound of the trumpet! - cried the fishermen.

Fishermen tell about the traces left on the sand to those who saved a Dolphin stranded in the shallows:

on the sand the traces of the legs and have long claws

And describes a mysterious creature rescued a diver:

Head? Yes, I think so. The eye - glass. - If you have eyes, then the head should be, - has confidently declared the young Indian. - Eyes to anything Yes nailed. And legs does he have? - Paws, like a frog. The fingers are long, green, with claws and webs. He shines like fish scales. Swam to the shark, flashed a paw - shark! The blood from the belly of a shark. And what are his feet? - asked one of the hunters. - Legs? - trying to remember a diver. - Feet not at all. Big the tail is. And at the end of the tail two snakes.

Description of the ship's crew, members of which heard "sea devil" speaks Castilian:

Suddenly the fishermen saw from the cliff seemed to be a Dolphin. On his back sat a horse, a horse, a strange creature - the "devil", which recently was told by the diver. The monster had a human body, and on his face was visible as huge as the old clock-bulbs, eyes, sparkling in the sun like the lights of the vehicle, the skin glowed a gentle blue with silver, and the hands resembled the frog - dark green, with long fingers and webbed between them. Legs below the knees were in the water. Ended if they had tails, or were normal human feet - remained unknown. A strange creature was holding a long twisted shell. It again sounded in the sink, laughed a truly human laughter and suddenly screamed in pure Spanish: "Hurry, Liding <Liding - English - "top">!" - patted the frog hand on a shiny Dolphin's back and spurred his side kicks.

However, the true form of "mystical creatures" the author reveals, only through observation and mishandled servants Cristo:

...humanoid creature with large feet. The body of an unknown shone a bluish-silvery scales. Quick, deft movements the creature swam up to the glass wall, nodded to the Salvatore head, entered the glass chamber, slamming the door behind him. Water from the chamber quickly poured. Unknown opened a second door and entered the grotto.

- Take off your glasses and gloves, said Salvatore.

Unknown obediently took off his glasses and gloves, and Cristo saw before him a slender handsome young man.

- Meet Andrew, the man-fish, or amphibian, he's the devil of the sea - introduced himself to the young man Salvatore.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


  • А. Р. Беляев Человек-амфибия. Остров Погибших Кораблей Ташкент: Издательство ЦК Компартии Узбекистана, 1989 г.