Fern Flower
Published on November 9, 2019

They Live

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
They Live
November 4, 1988
A lone drifter stumbles upon a harrowing discovery -- a unique pair of sunglasses that reveals that aliens are systematically gaining control of the Earth by masquerading as humans and lulling the public into submission.


"Aliens among us" (orig. "They Live") – American science fiction Thriller of 1988, which was a free adaptation of a story by ray Nelson's "eight o'clock".

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John Nada – a drifter from Colorado, moved to Los Angeles to try his luck. John finds work in construction and get a roof over your head, it helps black guy Frank, with whom John became friends.

A few days later John becomes a witness of the defeat of the Church forces, and the next morning finds a hidden box containing sunglasses. Wearing the same pair, John discovers that all billboards in the city, as well as the usual leaflets with advertising, magazines, books contain a slogan suggestion: "Obey", "Consume", "Marry and reproduce", "No independent thought", "Watching TV", "Sleep" and the money says "This is your God". John discovers that not all residents of Los Angeles are the people: some of them aliens from cherepahoobraznoy persons. Shocked John comes into the store, where he sees "strangers" among ordinary buyers. Rash get nasty one elderly Priceline, John attracts the attention of her countrymen, who is clearly unhappy that their existence is blown. John runs the store is rude and another he met the alien; this time he is detained, the police-"foreign" and offer to buy his silence, but John is not going to sell their planet. He resists, killing both of them and take their weapons. Then John comes into the Bank and it starts to kill the "others", but arrived the police forces him to flee.

Hiding, John kidnaps a woman named Holly and forces her to take him in her car. Holly drove John to his house, where John says Oh that is learned. Holly decides he's crazy, and, taking advantage of the fact that he was weakened from the action points, stun him and pushes off the balcony. Calling the police, Holly discovers left her glasses at home John. He spends the rest of the day hiding in the slums.

The next day, John comes on the scene and asks his friend Frank to go with him behind the glasses and see the truth, but Frank heard what John was killing people in the Bank, and flatly refuses. John goes to where left the box, and take new points. There he finds Frank, who decided to give him some money. John persuades him to wear glasses, and being refused – trying to force him to wear glasses power. This results in a brutal fight between friends, but in the end John still forces Frank to wear the glasses and see "strangers". They discover two aliens, and John and Frank have to stay at the hotel.

A few days later they found the guy named Gilbert and says that they are not the only one who sees "foreign". Gilbert leads them to the shelter "awake". There he says that seized the city of aliens – a sort of entrepreneurs who want to buy the land from the people for a pittance. Aliens constantly broadcast a signal that fools people down and forces them to see reality distorted. John and Frank give contact lenses through which also you can see the truth.

In the asylum John meets Holly, and she says she knows where is located the satellite antenna that emits a signal that prevents people from seeing the "strangers". Suddenly, the hideout is attacked by aliens. Many die, but John, Frank and Holly manages to survive. John and Frank get on base, "strangers", where you meet a tramp who sided with the invaders. John threatens him with a gun, and he says that the satellite antenna is "foreign" is on the roof. After that, John and Frank find Holly and going to the roof. While John rises, turned traitor, Holly kills Frank, and then threatened with a gun John himself, but he kills her. There is a police helicopter. John is ordered to surrender, but instead it's a couple of shots at the satellite dish to destroy her. Police kill John, but a signal generator is damaged, and now people can see the aliens. The last scene of the film: the crew horrified to see that news anchors have turned into freaks with cherepahoobraznoy persons; in the bar all clients look to the unsuspecting alien; girl during sex is horrified to see that her boyfriend is an alien...

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For UFOs in the film can be taken of the alien drones that were patrolling the city in search of people who see the true picture of the world. The signal of the aliens makes drone invisible to most earthlings.

Drones look like the classic flying saucer small size. In the lower part of the blinking light. They are equipped with a retractable flexible manipulator with a camera on the end.

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The Alien

The aliens arrived from Andromeda, and founded a colony on Earth. Their objectives are exclusively commercial: they see the world as a third world country and a source of resources.

In order for people unaware about the presence of aliens emit a signal that forces earthlings to see the reality distorted. So for all the people the aliens are indistinguishable from the members of the human race. The signal is transmitted from the Central station and distributed with the help of television and posted on the streets transmitters. In addition to the design of the aliens signal masks beneath posters and signs placed on almost all surfaces of a message, urging earthlings to submit to the will of the aliens. The action signal can be neutralized by wearing special glasses or lenses.

Anthropomorphic alien and different from humans head shape and skin color. They have no lips, eyelids and nose, and blue spotted skin tight skull bones that makes them look like half-decayed corpses.

The aliens have advanced technology. They are the hand watch that are also smartphone and instantly move in space. Under the Central transmitting station they built a huge underground base on the territory of which housed the TV station, and device to move to their home planet.

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