Fern Flower
Published on January 20, 2018

Alien Autopsy

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Alien Autopsy
April 7, 2006
Humouristic reconstruction of the 1995 scandal when two British lads were accused of having faked a documentary from the Roswell incident in 1947.


In 1995, English film producer Ray Santilli released a sensational video, which allegedly depicted the autopsy of an alien who crashed in Roswell in 1947. He claimed that the film footage was provided to him by a retired military cameraman who wanted to remain anonymous. And already on April 4, 2006, he admitted that the film was not authentic, but rather a frame-by-frame reshoot of a film that was shown to him in 1992 and the original of which was destroyed.

Alien Autopsy (Alien Autopsy) is a 2006 English science fiction comedy, the events of which are based on this case.

The film is of interest, because it covers the history known in ufology in sufficient detail. Approximately this version of events (with the exception, probably, of the humorous gags added by the authors of the film), the real Ray Santilli also adhered to. Despite the comedic component, the film does not ridicule, but supports the widespread version of the UFO crash in Roswell and the existence of a real film with an alien autopsy.

It's interesting

The 2006 English sci-fi comedy Alien Autopsy is based on a real case. In 1995, English film producer Ray Santilli released a sensational video, which allegedly depicted the autopsy of an alien who crashed in Roswell in 1947. He claimed that the film footage was provided to him by a retired military cameraman who wanted to remain anonymous.  And already on April 4, 2006, he admitted that the film was not authentic, but rather a frame-by-frame reshoot of a film that was shown to him in 1992 and the original of which was destroyed.


London, 1995. Two close friends, Ray and Gary, arrange to buy bootlegs in the USA to sell them in England. An elderly man named Harvey brings a tape with a unique recording of an Elvis Presley concert, and then informs them that there is another recording that may interest them. Harvey says that in his youth he served in the US Air Force as a regimental photographer. In July 1947, he was hastily sent to Roswell Air Force Base. Harvey shows Ray the autopsy video taken that day of the alien that crashed under Roswell and offers Ray to buy the film for $30,000. Ray does not have such a sum, and he turns for financial help to a very dangerous man, Laszlo Vorosh, who is obsessed with ufology. Laszlo agrees to give money for the film.

The purchased film turns out to be empty. Ray's aunt works at a film studio, and with her help, he finds out that such a film cannot be kept in a closed box and needs to be ventilated. As a result of improper storage, the film began to decompose after it was taken out of the box into the air. Now the contents of the film cannot be restored.

Ray finds himself in a desperate situation: he needs to provide the film to Vorosh. Friends decide to go to extreme measures and make a film about the autopsy of an alien on their own. The scenery is installed in the apartment of Gary's sister, who left town. A friend of Ray's grandmother, Maurice, works at a mannequin factory and creates an alien doll that is stuffed with meat giblets. A familiar butcher becomes a cameraman and director.

When the film is shot, Ray shows it to Laszlo. He believes in its authenticity and wholeheartedly thanks Ray for finally proving the existence of alien life. After that, Ray arranges a premiere screening for everyone, which brings him and Gary worldwide popularity. Ray participates in various TV shows, and TV channels of all countries are fighting for the screening of their film: they are willing to pay a lot of money if only they got the right to show the film in their country. In the course of these events, both friends are being spied on by American intelligence services.

Laszlo, dissatisfied with the fact that the film bought for his money does not make a profit for him, demands a substantial share of Ray's income. But suddenly he is hit by a car in the middle of a field where he, naked, was trying to get in touch with an alien civilization. Presumably, he was removed by the special services because he threatened to interfere with the worldwide demonstration of the film, which was beneficial to the authorities, since it allowed hiding the presence of the real video. Meanwhile, the world premiere has taken place, the ratings of the film are breaking all records, and it is being broadcast over and over again.

On the plane, Ray meets a pretty girl Amber, with whom he spends the night. The next morning, Gary finds out that she is a journalist getting information about them. After learning that the real author of the video is Harvey, Amber tries to interview him, but he hides. At this time, Ray and Gary find a homeless man and pass him off as a real cameraman who filmed the autopsy.

After the events have subsided, an employee of the film studio comes to Ray, who managed to restore some frames of the lost film. After watching them, Ray and Gary bury the original film.

The Alien

"Real" aliens in the movie do not show (unless you count a few frames from the "original video" at the end).

An alien present in the form of a fake corpse made improvised for the film. The "corpse" looks very similar to the original, extant in the photos and some shots (see gallery in the article "Rosolska the incident"). Probably was a lot of work to recreate this image.

Shown in the film a dead alien is a classic example of "gray", with a large head, huge, dark, almond-shaped eyes (in the movie the dark tint they gave a special film, added for dramatic pictures) and bulging belly (to simulate the body of a stranger used a mannequin of a pregnant woman). The color of the alien is not grey but rather a pale pink (due to making a mock-up of the dummy and not noticeable on black and white film).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»