Fern Flower
Published on November 29, 2018

Aelita: Queen of Mars

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
September 24, 1924
A young man travels to Mars in a rocket ship, where he leads a popular uprising against the ruling group with the support of Queen Aelita, who has fallen in love with him after watching him through a telescope.


"Aelita" is a classic Soviet silent feature film, which is a free adaptation of the eponymous fantasy novel by A.N. Tolstoy.

The plot of the film is quite different from the original source.

The advertising company of the film is interesting:

The release of the film was preceded by an unprecedented advertising campaign in newspapers, which began about six months before the premiere - on February 26, 1924 in the "Kino-Gazeta" (published by the Mezhrabpom-Rus film company itself), where at first intriguing ads were published with the text "ANTA ... ODELI ... UTA..." - without any explanation (but in in some cases, several such ads on the same page). Since April 15, the ads have been accompanied by an explanatory text: "For some time radio stations around the world have been receiving incomprehensible signals ..." Closer to the premiere (September 19), the newspaper Pravda was connected to the advertising campaign, in which the mysterious signal was reproduced in a more "transparent" form: "Anta... odELI ... uTA", and in an advertisement published on September 24, an intriguing inscription was directly included in the announcement of the premiere screening of the film at the ARS cinema.

The film has become a recognized classic of film fiction abroad and is considered the first (or one of the first) full-length film about space flight.

It's interesting

The film "Aelita" (1924) had a very interesting advertising campaign. The release of the film was preceded by an unprecedented advertising campaign in newspapers, which began about six months before the premiere – on February 26, 1924 in the "Kino-Gazeta" (published by the Mezhrabpom-Rus film company itself), where at first intriguing ads were published with the text "ANTA ... ODELI ... UTA..." – without any explanation (but in in some cases, several such ads on the same page). Since April 15, the ads have been accompanied by an explanatory text: "For some time radio stations around the world have been receiving incomprehensible signals ..." Closer to the premiere (September 19), the newspaper Pravda was connected to the advertising campaign, in which the mysterious signal was reproduced in a more "transparent" form: "Anta... odELI ... uTA", and in an advertisement published on September 24, an intriguing inscription was directly included in the announcement of the premiere screening of the film at the ARS cinema.

The film "Aelita" (1924) is considered the first (or one of the first) full-length film about space flight


The film begins in Petrograd in December 1921, shortly after the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the NEP. The country is in ruins, the cities are full of starving people.

Engineers Los and Spiridonov receive a mysterious radio signal "ANTA... ODELI ... UTA..." and try to unravel its meaning. The Elk's overactive imagination draws him pictures of the Martian civilization.

The "energy manager" of Mars, Horus, invents a machine that allows him to observe the life of earthlings. The ruler of Tuscub forbids him to tell anyone about it. But the queen of Mars, Aelita, finds out about the car and asks Horus to show her the Earth. Among other paintings, she sees a Moose kissing his wife Natasha. Aelita wants to learn more about the life of earthlings, and most importantly - to feel it better. Although Aelita is a queen, but she only "reigns", and in fact the council of "Elders", headed by Tuscub, rules Mars. The workers of Mars are in the position of slaves, unnecessary labor is stored in refrigerators and, if necessary, thawed.

Moose's wife Natasha works in an evacuation center at one of the Moscow train stations. Gusev, a Red Army soldier wounded at the front, and the crook Ehrlich, who came from the province with his wife Elena, whom he passes off as his sister, pass through her evacuation center. Gusev goes to the hospital, and the Erlikhs stay with Spiridonov, Elena Erlikh's first husband. Elena flirts with Spiridonov, luring his savings, and Ehrlich quickly gets a job as a commodity expert in a warehouse. He is placed in an apartment with engineer Moose, and Ehrlich immediately begins to flirt with Natasha. Moose notices this and begins to get more and more jealous. It seems to him that Natasha reciprocates Ehrlich. At the same time, he continues to work on the interplanetoneph – a spacecraft for interplanetary travel – and dream about Aelita, who is watching him from Mars.

Ehrlich is suspected of embezzlement, but he manages to deflect suspicion from himself. Nevertheless, the theft remains unsolved, and the investigation is arbitrarily taken over by an amateur detective Kravtsov, who dreams of getting a place in MUUR.

Increasingly jealous of Natasha for Erlich, Moose leaves for a long business trip to Volkhovstroy. There he receives a message from Spiridonov – he decided to emigrate from the USSR. Returning to Moscow, the Moose witnesses the liberties that Natasha Erlich allows, shoots her in a rage and runs away. He disguises himself as the departed Spiridonov and begins the construction of an interplanetoneph on the outskirts of Moscow .

Detective Kravtsov notices a suspicious fake Spiridonov and begins to follow him. He suspects that Spiridonov illegally returned to the USSR from emigration and killed Natalia Los. Kravtsov gets to the interplanetonef construction site shortly before the start and tries to arrest Elk-Spiridonov, but he does not have a warrant. At this time, the Red Army soldier Gusev, cured and bored "in civilian life", joins the Moose. Just before the launch, Kravtsov secretly sneaks onto the ship with an arrest warrant. When the ship takes off and heads to Mars, he presents Spiridonov with a warrant for his arrest. However, Spiridonov removes his false beard and turns out to be an engineer Moose.

On Mars, they notice that a space projectile has launched from Earth, heading towards their planet. Tuscub orders to calculate the place of his landing and destroy the earthlings. But Aelita breaks his plans – on her orders, the astronomer who calculated the landing site of the interplanetonef is killed before he reports this data to Tuscub. Aelita and her maid Ihoshka themselves meet the earthlings who have arrived on Mars. Moose is fascinated by Aelita, about whom he has been dreaming for so long. Suddenly, she appears to him as Natalia, whom he killed, and he falls into despair. Kravtsov tries to get the assistance of local law enforcement officers, but instead he is arrested. Tuscub demands that the Earthlings be found and destroyed. Gusev sneaks into the workers' quarter and arranges riots there, which escalate into an uprising.

The uprising ends successfully, but Aelita, contrary to the hopes of the earthlings, instead of liberating the working class, orders the troops to shoot at the workers celebrating the victory. Trying to stop Aelita, the Moose kills her... and wakes up. It turns out that the flight to Mars was just a dream for him. He sees an advertising poster with the words "ANTA... ODELI... UTA..." and realizes that the mysterious radio signal is just an advertising move by a tire company. Moose goes home and finds his wife alive and well. Ehrlich, who is trying to escape with stolen valuables, is arrested by the criminal investigation department.

Moose takes out the drawings of his interplanetonef and burns them with the words that there is no need to dream about Mars when there are so many real things on Earth.


The UFO in this film can be called a spacecraft built by humans to fly to Mars. The focus of the film it does not accentuate, it can be seen only on a few frames. For a normal (not time-lapse) watching the movie it looks like a small flash, showing that the ship took off.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

The Martians in the movie looks very similar to ordinary people. The only thing that indicates their alien identity, it is strange outfits. Clothing the most Aelita gives the right to assume that she could have three Breasts.

The behavior and social system of the Martians is also not different from people: they have the Queen, the ruling elite and the oppressed workers.

This description of the aliens is quite logical, since in the movie the Martians is a figment of the imagination of a sleeping engineer.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»