Fern Flower
Published on March 16, 2018

The Abominable Snowman

Extrasensory perception
The Movie DataBase
The Abominable Snowman
August 26, 1957
A kindly English botanist and a gruff American promoter lead an expedition to the Himalayas in search of the legendary Yeti.


"The Abominable Snowman" (The Abominable Snowman), or in the American version "The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas" (The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas) is a 1957 film based on the British TV play "The Creature", released in 1955 on television. It was a joint work of writer Nigel Kneil and television director and producer Rudolph Cartier, who decided to look at the story of the mysterious Himalayan creature from a different angle, making it not a monster, but a highly intelligent creature, morally superior to man.

The film was part of a mini-cycle, shot under the influence of Eric Shipton's photographs, which depicted large footprints found in the snow on Mount Everest in 1951. This cycle also includes the films "The Monstrous Snowman" (Jūjin Yuki Otoko) produced in Japan and "The Snow Creature" (The Snow Creature) produced in the USA.

The content of the film does not correspond to its title at all. Animals with terrible deeds and desires are represented in the film by people themselves.

It's interesting

In the 1957 film "The Abominable Snowman" (The Abominable Snowman), or in the American version "The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas" (The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas), the authors decided to look at the story of the mysterious Himalayan creature from a different angle, making it not a monster, but a highly intelligent being, in moral terms superior a person.

The 1957 film "The Abominable Snowman" became part of a mini-cycle, shot under the influence of Eric Shipton's photographs, which depicted large footprints found in the snow on Mount Everest in 1951


Dr. John Rollason, his wife Helen and assistant Peter Fox are on a botanical expedition and are guests of the Lama at the Rong Buk Monastery in the Himalayas. Soon, a second expedition led by Dr. Tom Friend, accompanied by Ed Shelley and photographer Andrew McNee, as well as a local guide Kusang, arrives at the monastery. They are John's acquaintances and came to these places in search of the legendary Yeti. Rollason, despite the objections of his wife and Lama, decides to join Friend's expedition. While Rollason just wants to learn more about the creature, Friend is hungry for fame and wants to catch a live yeti and present it to the world press.

The expedition led by Friend climbs high into the mountains and finds a lot of giant footprints in the snow, confirming the existence of the yeti. McNee injures his leg by falling into a bear trap set by a Friend to catch a yeti. Friend catches a Himalayan monkey and wants to pass it off as a snowman, enlisting the support of a guide. But the yeti frees the animal. Ed shoots and kills Bigfoot. MakNi falls into a trance at the approach of other yetis and goes to their call, but falls off a cliff and dies. Kusang sees the real Yeti and returns to the monastery, where Helen and Fox decide to organize a rescue mission. Meanwhile, Ed, being ambushed by the yeti, tries to shoot him with a gun, but the cartridges are spoiled by the Friend. He does this intentionally so that Ed does not kill another yeti and it is possible to catch the creature alive. Ed is dying of a heart attack. Friend finally decides to cut his losses and leave with the body of a dead yeti. John hears a voice from the radio (which is inoperable at this moment), which sends them a message about the need to return to the monastery. Friend hears the voice of his deceased Ed, who is calling for help. He does not believe that this is a hallucination, and rushes to save his friend, but dies under an avalanche.

Rollason realizes that Friend has died, and returns to the cave-shelter, where he sees several yetis who have come to pick up the body of their comrade. He understands that the Yeti is an intelligent species waiting for its time to claim the Earth when humanity destroys itself.

The rescue team finds John and brings him back to the monastery. John reports that he has not met any yetis and that they most likely do not exist.

Extrasensory perception

The Lama says that this place (the temple) allows you to look at the world differently. He foresees the emergence of a second expedition that is a companion of John the room will become his wife. Such abilities of hypersensitivity are likely and Yeti.

Some particular perception of the has photographer McNee. He feels the closeness of the Yeti, and they can communicate with him telepathically.

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Bigfoot in the film have telepathic abilities. They probably use them to communicate among themselves and send the call McNee put it in a trance.

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Bigfoot in the film is shown in the form of very tall creatures covered with hair. Its growth, in the opinion of the main character, should be 2-2,5 m, however, after meeting Bigfoot is even higher - about 3 m tall. While he's not a monster or an animal. His face is the characters described as "wise". His eyes look a deep, meaningful and human.

Yeti have telepathic abilities and possibly swervedriver. This is fully consistent with notions of highly developed superhuman.

According to the version of the film, the Yeti is the third branch of evolution (the first two monkeys and humans). They have great wisdom and supernormal abilities (especially telepathy), as well as adhere to the Buddhist position in regard to wars, trying not to harm anything living. They are not trying to compete with humanity, but just wait until people will die themselves, freeing up space on the planet. The film justifies this expectation: all three people who die in the film, make it their fault, though, and because of the fear of Bigfoot.

Perhaps such a view gave rise to the idea that Bigfoot could be not just surviving cription (i.e. animals, though quite clever), and a time traveler from a parallel world or even an alien, i.e., being greatly superior to human development.

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