Fern Flower
Published on September 1, 2019

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

TV Show2004
The mystical fog
Spontaneous spontaneous combustion of a person
Extrasensory perception
The man with the black eyes
Land creatures
The Movie DataBase
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
January 29, 2004
When the Hellmouth opens beneath Darkplace Hospital in downtown Romford, kiddy doctor, Vietnam veteran and ex-warlock Dr. Rick Dagless M.D. is the only man who can close it. Joined by best buddy Dr. Lucien Sanchez, fiery hospital boss Thornton Reed, and woman Liz Asher, Dagless must fight the forces of Darkness while dealing with the burden of day-to-day admin. From the chilling pen of best-selling horror writer Garth Marenghi comes this lost masterpiece of televisual terror. Dare you enter Garth's Darkplace?


The events of the television series "the Abode of darkness Garth Marenghi" occur in the clinic, "Abode of darkness" in Romford, near which is located the gate to hell. This is a parody of the television horror show, the former very popular in the 80-ies of XX century. In the series hyperbolicity and brought to the absurd elements inherent in most similar shows: cheap production, horrible dialogues, comic violence.

In each of the six episodes are "original" actors and script writers who represent the series as a lost classic, shot in 1980-ies, but never exit to the screens.

In the series very accurately prodiraetsya fashion, special effects, music and overall style of low-budget television of the 80s and the modern practice of including tracks with the comments in the releases of older movies and television shows.

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1. "There was a complication" ("Once Upon a Beginning")

To the hospital, "Resident of darkness" ("Darkplace Hospital") comes a new doctor, Dr. Liz Asher. She meets Dr. Rick Dagless, and while touching him, Liz is visited by a vision predicting the death. Dagless tells her that one of the patients of the hospital – his friend, who lost his mind after they are in the cafeteria has opened a portal to another dimension. The doctor decides to prevent trouble, but his friend spontaneously explodes. At the funeral, he rises from the grave, but it killed again.

2. "Fury of hell" ("Hell Hath Fury")

Lunch was delayed, the items in the dining room suddenly begin flying by themselves and injure the chef. Suspicion falls on the new Intern, but later it turns out that the source of paranormal activity is possessing abilities doctor Liz Asher, which ticked off colleagues.

3. "Eye child-skipper" ("Skipper the Eyechild")

In a hospital patient raped by a giant eyeball with a huge cock. It turns out that some people agreed to take part in a medical experiment, but in the test cell accidentally hit the eyeball of a sexual predator, and the test subject turned into a monster. Raped the patient immediately gives birth to a little monster and dies. One of the doctors of the hospital, Dr. Dagless mourning for recently deceased son who was born a boy-grasshopper begins to feel to the little monster a father's feelings. The other doctors find out about a strange child and want to isolate him from a threat. At some point the baby bites Dagless. The one trying to release the arm, strikes the monster on the table and kills him.

4. "The gorilla of anger" ("The Apes of Wrath")

A mysterious disease spreads throughout the hospital, forcing doctors and patients to turn into APE-like creatures. Dagless have to stop this before he becomes a Primate. Soon the main characters find the cause is contaminated water coolers. As it turns out later, a giant primacy of warehouse urinated in bottles for the cooler, spreading the infection.

5. "Scotch mist" ("Scotch Mist")

Hospital "Resident of darkness" envelops the mystical "Scottish" mist. It haunted the Scots who attack people. Dagless discovers that the ghosts came for him, because one day, being in transit in Scotland, he insulted the local residents. He apologizes to the spirits and treats them cookies. Those forgive him, and the fog dissipated.

6. "The creeping moss from the shores Saggot" ("The Creeping Moss from the Shores of Shuggoth")

The clinic embraces a mystical green mist. The patient left near the exit of the ventilation shaft, from which leaks of contaminated mist in the air. After inhaling, she gradually begins to turn into a broccoli. Sanchez falls in love with a patient, they have sex. Patient save fails and she dies, completely turned into broccoli. Dagless discovers that extraterrestrial infection is transmitted sexually, and now he must not only save his friend, but also to prevent the epidemic. It stops the infection after the operation to remove the infected Sanchez genitals.

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The mystical fog

In the second series at the moment of greatest psychic activity with paranormal abilities Liz Asher creates a funnel over the clinic from a mystical fog pink color.

In the fifth series of the mystical "Scottish" mist, followed by the sound of bagpipes, envelops the hospital and the whole district. Falling in the fog people are found dead, with faces painted in the colors of the tartan. Near the bodies are found scattered cereal. The doctor, trapped in the fog, attacked the bagpipes, his pants disappear, and the hair color changes to red. As it turns out in the course of the story, "Scotch mist" comes after living in it ghosts, the purpose of which is revenge.

In the sixth episode, the hospital is immersed in the green mist that contains space disputes broccoli. People who have inhaled a large number of these spores, he is gradually turning into broccoli.

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Spontaneous spontaneous combustion of a person

In the first episode ignites spontaneously, and then explodes with one of the clinic's patients, who had been a doctor. He opened a portal to Hell, let into our world of evil and as a result has lost his mind.

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The fifth series of the hospital district embraces the mystical fog in which they live ghosts of the Scots. In addition to the three spirits appears as a ghostly bagpipe, which emits sounds in the fog and attacks people. They come for one of the doctors of the clinic with the goal of revenge for the insult inflicted during his stay in Glasgow. The ghosts manage to get rid of only after the doctor brings them to apologize and treat biscuits.

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Extrasensory perception

In the first series demonstrates psychic doctor Liz Asher, who is a psychic and can "see the past, present and future" when you touch another person (works with animals such as cats).

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In the second series it is revealed that doctor Liz Asher is not only swervedriver, but also the ability to telekinesis. Driven to a nervous breakdown with respect to men, it begins to attack the others, moving and levitating various objects, as well as controlling electrical devices. At the moment of greatest mental activity she herself flies up to the ceiling, and over the clinic, forming a funnel from a mystical fog pink color.

Stop paranomal activity is possible only after Liz loses consciousness from a blow to the head. Subsequently, she carried out a lobotomy and remove the part of the brain responsible for the existence of super-powers.

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In the first series at my own funeral comes to life spontaneously exploding informed patient. He starts attacking the others, and re-kill him with multiple shots from a revolver and a flame thrower.

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In the second episode of poltergeist activity taking flying hospital items and effects accompanying the interruptions in the power grid. As it turns out later to be the source of paranormal activity is derived colleagues of Liz Asher himself with supernatural powers.

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In the fourth episode of the doctors and patients of the clinic are transformed into APE-like creatures after drinking contaminated water from the cooler. Their faces and body gradually covered with hair, the limbs become the animal, but the mind remains human. In the course of the story series, it turns out that the culprit of this anomaly is turned into APE-human scientist, specialist in evolution. "He opened the access to the atavistic tendencies of man and rein them in for one of his schemes: he had developed a serum from the gonads of Gibbons, it moved through the eggs chimpanzees at the speed of light in atomic container", and then poisoned the water supply of the clinic. Return victims a human face is possible by using an antidote developed by one of the leading physicians.

In the sixth episode of a werewolf you can call a woman turns into broccoli once infected by space spores of the green mist. The transformation is gradual, the mind and consciousness remains the victim until the very end. After completion of the process, the woman is completely converted into broccoli. The infection is transmitted sexually and to stop it in time by removing the infected parts of the body.

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The man with the black eyes

In the first episode black become the eyes of Liz Asher, when it shows colleagues that really is psychic.

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Land creatures

In the third series show a few unknown creatures. First of all, it's a monster in the form of aicv with a huge eye raping patient in the hospital. We are told that this creature was a simple guy after an unsuccessful trial Guinea pig gamma rays (in the reaction chamber happened to be the eye of a sexual predator). Almost immediately after iznasilovanija the victim (man) gives birth to little versions of the monster.

Even odnii unknown creature from the third episode is the son of Dr. Douglas, who "was born a boy-grasshopper".

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