Fern Flower
Published on October 4, 2016



In the classic sense of the zombie is understood to be a lively corpse. Also this word is referred to as a normal living person who has completely lost kontrolnad myself and my body and obey the orders of someone. The exact same origin of the word is controversial. One version is distorted "nzambi" that the African languages means "minor deity" or "soul dead." On the other - this is modified West African dialect "Jambi", which means "Ghost". There is also a theory that the word "zombie" was once called the great black serpent of the African beliefs, the eternal enemy of the sun, light, and joy.

The term "Zombie" is strongly associated with magical practices of voodoo, which came to the Islands of the Caribbean during the French colonial slavery in the early sixteenth century from West Africa.

The General public learned about it only in the early twentieth century, after the reporter William Seabrook, lived for many years in Haiti, has released his book. It mentions the walking dead, working on a master-sorcerer as a free-willed and labor.

Concerned scientists and doctors have suggested that when the process of indoctrination does not uses real corpses, and only specially trained real people introduced to the border comapatable the condition using any drugs. Themselves witches also mention about special drugs.

It is believed that in the 1980-ies, a scientist named Wade Davis (Wade Davis) come close to solving the zombie and found the toxin, with the aid of which the sorcerer can enter the victim into a state of coma, when the vital processes is so weak and slow that it can be mistaken for deceased. It, combined with anoxia, damage some areas of the cephalopod brain that leads to behavior characteristic of a zombie.

In Russia there were also stories about the walking dead. They were called vampires and werewolves, though the behavior they are closer to vampires than zombies.

In addition to "the walking dead", there are "living zombie". These are ordinary people with normal behavior and rational functions, but are in a trance and executes commands from the "master". A zombie is under the influence of a short time, and then returns to normal.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Zombies in popular culture


  • Уильям Сибрук "Остров магии", 1929г.
  • П. А. Гросс, "Тайны магии Вуду", 2001г.