Fern Flower
Published on July 9, 2024


Regions of expansion

Peru 1


According to Peruvian legends, many years ago there were sorcerers, evil sorcerers who awakened the evil spirits of the jungle and formed an alliance with them. Born in evil, they were powerful, but to increase their strength, they needed to drink human blood and eat human meat. Therefore, when they needed to eat, they could transform into animals, into cougars or jaguars, beautiful, graceful black beasts. Thus, they attacked people without fear of weapons or defenders of the tribes, as they were very powerful and strong, because black magic protected them.

This myth was obviously born by tribes of hunters: so, hunting predators such as jaguars and cougars, people, amazed at their strength and agility, attributed magical powers to them to explain another defeat during hunting and the loss of tribesmen. The dark color of the animals contributed to their identification with the dark magic that supposedly protected them.

Yanapuma in popular culture