Fern Flower
Published on November 2, 2018


Regions of expansion

United Kingdom 1
United Kingdom


In the folklore of the inhabitants of the Shetland Islands (an archipelago in Scotland), a man with a wolf's head, who is covered with short brown hair. He likes to fish and can leave his catch at the doors of poor people.

Despite its intimidating appearance, it is completely harmless and treats people quite friendly. This creature lives in a cave. If you don't bother him, he won't hurt anyone. More than anything else in the world, Wolver loves to fish. There is even a backwater on the islands, which is called the Wolver's Backwater. From time to time, Wolver leaves his catch on the porch or on the windowsill of some poor man.

Wolver in popular culture


  • Кирилл Королев "Энциклопедия сверхъестественных существ" — М.: Эксмо; СПб.: Мидгард, 2005