Fern Flower
Published on October 30, 2018


  • Bouda
  • Bultungin
  • Hyenolaki
  • Kori ismaris

Regions of expansion

Tanzania 1 Sudan 1 Morocco 1 Ethiopia 1
United Republic of Tanzania


A creature from African folklore. People are werewolves who can turn into hyenas. For some reason, hereditary blacksmiths have such a gift. It is characteristic that these werewolves often keep the jewelry they wore when they were human. These creatures are suspected of midnight desecration of graves.

Bouda is the name of a vergien in Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania and Morocco

Bultungin is the name of vergien in Nigeria, literally "turning into a hyena"

Hyenodlaci — Czech name Vergien

Qora is the name of Vergien in the kingdom of Kaffa, which later became part of Ethiopia

Werehyenas — English version of the name vergien

Vergiena in popular culture