Fern Flower
Published on February 5, 2024


  • Utukku

Regions of expansion

Iraq 1


A demon from ancient Mesopotamian mythology. The word is usually ambiguous and is sometimes used to refer to demons in general rather than a specific type of demon.

No visual images of udyug have yet been identified, but descriptions attribute to him features often inherent in other ancient Mesopotamian demons: a dark shadow, the absence of light surrounding him, poison and a deafening voice. 

The surviving ancient Mesopotamian texts giving instructions for exorcising evil spirits are known as the texts Udug Hula. These texts emphasize the role of the evil udug in the occurrence of diseases and the role of the exorcist in the treatment of diseases. The evil udug is often a carrier of physical and mental illnesses.

A good udug can provide protection or other assistance during an exorcism.

Sometimes vampire traits are attributed to them.:

In the second millennium BC, the Babylonian and Assyrian states had writings about vampire creatures. Among them are the disembodied demon utukku and ekimma, the soul of a deceased person unable to find peace in death.

Udug in popular culture