Fern Flower
Published on March 15, 2023


  • Vupar

Regions of expansion

Russia 1
Russian Federation


In the mythology and folklore of the Turkic peoples, a bloodthirsty, evil spirit that inhabits people and controls them.

A character close to ubyr is found in the folklore of the Chuvash – vupar, among the Slavs – ghoul.

The person who is possessed by the ubyr is called "ubyrly keshe".

Among the West Siberian Tatars, ubyr is the spirit of a deceased sorcerer, a suicide. According to beliefs, it is impossible to catch a ubyr: sensing danger, it turns into a ball of fire, sparks and disappears.

Ubyr steals young livestock, sucks milk and blood from cows, sends diseases to people.

Graves were believed that after the death of ubyrla, Keshe ubyr lived in his grave and came out of it at night. Graves can be destroyed by driving an oak stake into the grave.

Ubyr in popular culture