Fern Flower
Published on May 10, 2020


  • Tokoloshe
  • Healy
  • Tikolosh
  • Tokolosh
  • African Gremlin

Regions of expansion

South Africa 1
South Africa


A creature from Zulu mythology. He appears to be an evil spirit, similar to a gnome (according to various beliefs, he can also resemble a zombie, poltergeist or gremlin), which can become invisible.

Tikoloshe are called by evil zamans to create problems for others: to scare children, cause illness or even death of the victim.

According to the shamans of the Mutwa Creed, the creatures are able to take on various forms from the appearance of a gremlin, to a humanoid creature similar to a bear.

According to legend, the only way to keep Tokoloshe away from you at night is to put a brick under each leg of your bed, although this will only protect the bed and what is on it, whereas Tokoloshe can blow everything around.

Tikoloshe in popular culture