Fern Flower
Published on July 17, 2020



A term used in parapsychology to denote the ability of a person with one only the effort of thought to influence physical objects.

The term "telekinesis" was first used in the 1890 Russian paranormal investigator Alexander N. Aksakov. The author of the term "psychokinesis" is an American author and publisher, Henry Holt (Henry Holt. On the Cosmic Relations. — 1914); popularized by American parapsychologist J. Ryan (J. B. Rhine) in 1934.

Both concepts are at various times described in different terms: "remote influence" (eng. distant influencing), "the influence of thought at a distance" (eng. remote mental influence), "direct conscious intent" (eng. direct conscious intention), "thought to control matter" (eng. mind over matter), and others.

Originally, the term tele - and psychokinesis were considered synonymous, but gradually, as there is evidence that the impact of human consciousness on material objects may not be limited to the kinetic component, there was a division.

Psychokinesis — a more General term combining any (macro and micro) phenomena connected with the impact of thought on matter, including: telekinesis, pyro - and creatines, Aero - and gerakines, biochemicals, teleportation, "milligray" (thoughtography), levitation, etc.

In its report on the study of the phenomenon of teleportation (Teleportation Physics Study, 2004), commissioned by the command of the U.S. air force (and Air Force conducted in the laboratory on the basis of the Edwards US air force), physicist Eric Davis describes the psychic as "a special case of psychokinesis". In popular culture, on the contrary, the term telekinesis is most prevalent.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Telekinesis in popular culture