Fern Flower
Published on December 28, 2019


Regions of expansion

Italy 1


Silvan - in the Roman religion, the god of forests and wildlife, he was identified with the Greek Pan. He was considered the founder of inter and was the guardian of good neighborly relations, the spirit of forest trees and plantations. In addition, Silvan patronizes cattle.

In Sapkovsky's bestiary, Sylvan is an extremely rare and intelligent creature who loves to arrange practical jokes on people. Looks like a satire.

He is described as a creature with hatched eyes, goat horns and a beard, with a height of just over a fathom (2.16 meters). Lips, mobile, dissected and soft. The lower part of his body is covered with long, thick, dark red hair up to the most forked hooves. In addition, he has a long, panicle-tipped tail, which he usually vigorously swings.

Sylvan in popular culture