Fern Flower
Published on February 21, 2024

Snow Vasset

Regions of expansion

Canada 1


In the folklore of Canadian lumberjacks, the snow vasset is a dangerous voracious predator that lives under the snow.

It is said about the vasset that, unlike most wild animals of the north, it hibernates only in the warmest weather, and its fur curls and turns green in cranberry swamps. In summer, he grows rudimentary hind legs, with which he can crawl slowly to stay in the shade all the time.

After the first roaring snowstorm, the vasset drops its paws and moves south, plunging into the snow. Soon he achieves noticeable success in this, which gives him the opportunity to surprise grouse, rabbits and many other animals hiding under the snow. In deep winter, when food becomes less and more difficult to get, even wolves are covered with snow. In the far north, according to lumberjacks, there are many more tragedies under the nast than above it. There is no need to say how many creatures the vasset drags down and eats, because this insatiable animal has an appetite comparable only to that of a wolverine, but since it is four times larger than it and forty times more active, it should eat correspondingly more.

Snow Vasset in popular culture
