Fern Flower
Published on March 20, 2024


  • The phenomenon of street lights
  • FUF
  • SLA
  • Slider


The phenomenon of street lamp interference (street lamp interference or SLI) is probably a mental event. People with such abilities are called "SLIders" i.e. "sliders".

Such a person discovers that the light turns on or off when he or she passes or drives under it. Obviously, sometimes this could happen by accident due to a faulty street lamp (you probably noticed that this happened to you from time to time), but the SLIDERS claim that this happens to them regularly. It doesn't happen every time with every streetlight, but it happens often enough to make these people suspect that something unusual is going on.

People claim effects such as:

  • Appliances (such as lamps and televisions) turn on and off without touching.
  • The light bulbs constantly burn out when the SLIder tries to turn them off or on.
  • Volume levels change on televisions, radios, and CD players.
  • The clock stops working.
  • Children's electronic toys start by themselves when there is a SLIder.
  • Credit cards and other magnetic-coded cards are damaged or erased when in their possession.

Although the effect of SLI is not conscious, some SLI enthusiasts report that when it does occur, they are often in an extreme emotional state. The "cause" is often referred to as a state of anger or stress.

It is difficult to investigate this condition because it is difficult to reproduce it in the laboratory. However, research by the Princeton Engineering Anomaly Research Laboratory (PEAR) has shown that the subconscious mind can actually influence electronic devices. Subjects are able to influence the random generation of a computer much more strongly than it could happen just by accident.

Slider in popular culture