Fern Flower
Published on May 29, 2023


  • Flying Rods
  • Atmospheric animal
  • Heavenly Rods
  • Augers


A creature from modern mythology. The word skyfish comes from the English sky — "sky" and fish — "fish"), they are also often called rods (rods) or augers (because of the characteristic shape).

For the first time, this phenomenon drew the attention of the American ufologist Jose Escamilla, who conducted amateur videography (USA, state New Mexico, 1994). He was the first to start purposeful searches and filming of skyfish. According to Escamilla, these objects exhibit complex behavior, and may possess the beginnings of intelligence. Following Escamilla, many people around the globe took up the search for "rods".

They are referred to as "atmospheric animals". This is a hypothetical kind of wingless organisms that can exist in the atmosphere of the planet. They are able to fly or float in the air without using wings, as they are lighter than the volume of air they displace.

One of the early UFO researchers, Trevor James Constable, believed that the UFO phenomenon was most easily explained by the presence of large amoeba-like animals living in the Earth's atmosphere. Constable assumed that they spend most of their time in an invisible state with a small density and set themselves in motion with the help of "orgonic energy" inherent in all living beings. When they increase their density, they become visible. He thought that these animals were predators, and the cases of mutilated corpses of cattle and unexplained disappearances of people could be explained by attacks of such animals. The constable believed that the use of radars annoyed these animals and forced them to come out of hiding.


This phenomenon is considered explained. These are artifacts, images in the form of oblong thin objects with a longitudinal flickering "fringe", created by fast-flying insects (or birds) falling into the frame of the video that create a similar illusion.

Skyfish in popular culture