Fern Flower
Published on June 7, 2019


Regions of expansion

United States 1
United States of America


A creature from the mythology of the Indians of North America, fleecing in the area of the active stratovolcano St. Helens (Washington state).

The word "Skookum" (Skookum) was called a creature or creatures that lived on the mountain. It is translated from the extinct Chinook jargon (the language of communication between Indians and whites in the northwestern United States) as "strong", "powerful", "brave" or "monstrous" and "evil spirit".

These creatures are considered evil spirits that can transform into various animals, and can even settle inside a person. Although usually their description is similar to that of a yeti (a large ape-like creature). 

For the first time this word was mentioned by the writer and artist Paul Kane in his book in 1859. 

Skookum in popular culture