Fern Flower
Published on July 8, 2019


  • The Shifter
  • Leatherworker
  • Skin Walker
  • Yii Naaldlushii
  • Yenaldushi


A creature from Navajo folklore.

Various sources indicate that the original name of Yii Naaldlushii translates as "the one who walks on all fours" or "the one who wears a skin", however, the now popular name "skinwalker" originated from English, from the words skin — "skin", walk — "walk".

These are people (shamans, witches, sorcerers) who are able to transform into an animal using its skin. Some sources say that a witch must kill a member of her own family in order to gain Skinwalker's power.

They take pleasure in horror and suffering, so they take the form of an animal to kill, maim and destroy. Sometimes they break into houses for these purposes, but more often they just play by knocking on walls, windows or the roof.

Despite all this, they are quite cowardly. If they are noticed, they will do everything possible to escape, and they will only start fighting when they are cornered.

A reincarnated witch or sorcerer can be distinguished from an ordinary animal by its characteristic human behavior, such as walking on its hind legs (which may look like human legs).

Skinwalker in popular culture