Fern Flower
Published on June 5, 2019


  • Good Shubin

Regions of expansion

Russia 1 Ukraine 1
Russian Federation


A character of Russian mining folklore, found in Ukraine and especially often found in the Donbass.

This is a miner's spirit, similar to a dwarf, "the owner of the mine" and the patron of miners. he appears in the image of an old miner coughing like an old man, with bright burning eyes, hairy hooves. Shubin likes to joke: scares the miners, suddenly bursting into laughter in the dark, or grabs his leg. He supposedly lives in distant or long-abandoned workings, where he can wander unnoticed. Has great power.

The creature is distinguished at the same time by kindness (warns of a possible collapse), generosity (can show a "profitable place") and at the same time by extreme irritability, malice. Friendly to honest workers, and cruel to arrogant people, especially to the oppressors of miners.

Shubin helps workers trapped in the rubble, but can knock people off the road underground.

Shubin in popular culture