Fern Flower
Published on July 9, 2019


  • Striga

Regions of expansion

Russia 1 Poland 1 Albania 1 Croatia 1 Slovenia 1 Slovakia 1
Russian Federation


A character of the Carpathian-Balkan demonology, known in Albania. Beliefs about him are known in Slovakia, southern Poland, Slovenia, Croatia.

According to the ideas of the Poles, Natalia, shtriga is an evil sorceress who is able to take milk from other people's cows and sheep, attack sleeping children and drink their blood, send diseases to people and cattle. Along with this, the word shtriga often denoted the spirit of a deceased person, a vampire, a night ghost or the soul of a deceased witch.

In some areas of the Russian North and the Volga region, the term "striga" is known (apparently from the verb "to cut"), referring to the witch-survivor who, on the night of Ivan Kupala, secretly cut off the ears in someone else's field, taking over the harvest in her favor.

Shtriga in popular culture