Fern Flower
Published on July 9, 2024


Regions of expansion

Peru 1


This creature from Peruvian legends is considered the mother of the forest, this monster reaches 60 meters in length and has a huge head and such a huge throat that it can swallow any living creature at one moment.

This mysterious animal lives in the remote jungle, it lies almost motionless, luring its prey with a harmless appearance – it seems as if it is just an old fallen tree overgrown with grass and shrubs. This camouflage easily deceives the gullible traveler.

Those who have managed to see this creature say that it has large luminous eyes that have an inexplicable attractive effect on everyone who looks into them: its gaze beckons to itself, and the traveler cannot resist: it approaches directly to the head of the monster, and then swallows it at one moment.

Reports of giant reptiles are also quite understandable for the Jungle: for example, modern anacondas reach many, many meters in length, as well as some fish and caimans. The fear and respect felt by the inhabitants of the Selva tribes for giant creatures, many larger than themselves, is obviously the explanation of the legends.

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