Fern Flower
Published on May 11, 2020


Regions of expansion

Paraguay 1


Creature from the mythology of the Guarani Indians of Paraguay. Other names: Pombro, Pomberito, Pÿragué, Karai Pyhare ("night people"), and in Argentina he is known as Senor de la noche ("Lord of the night").

Pombero appears only at night, loves to fool around and scare children. Can wet the bed and may force young girls to kiss you and to join with him in sexual contact, from which are born ugly, hairy children.

In height he is about 6-7 year old child. He has shaggy hair, and hands and feet covered with short hard hair. Pombero lives in forests, but sometimes can settle in abandoned huts.

While pombero very difficult to detect, as it is able to very quickly and silently to run. He is also credited with the ability to stealth and penetration even in very narrow gaps.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Pombero in popular culture