Fern Flower
Published on November 9, 2018


  • Pigsy
  • Squeaks
  • Puksi
  • Puggy
  • Pussy
  • Elf

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United Kingdom 1
United Kingdom


Creatures from British mythology.

There are pixies, like mosquitoes (they look like moths shining with a bright yellow light) to a normal human. A typical pixie has red hair and a snub nose. He wears a green jacket, and on his head he wears a huge peaked cap that covers his narrowed eyes, afraid of sunlight.

They can lead you astray and make you wander. They steal horses and drive them through the fields at night until they are exhausted. After that, circles similar to witch rings remain in the fields. If a person steps into such a circle, he will get into a Magical land and stay in it for the rest of his days. However, if you step into the circle with one foot, nothing terrible will happen: a person will see dancing fairies, but they will not be able to hurt him or get him to themselves.

They can turn into hedgehogs.

Pixie in popular culture