Fern Flower
Published on August 12, 2019


Regions of expansion

Italy 1


Larva (Latin larva — a ghost, originally a mask, a disguise, cf. with modern Italian. larva — larva) — a creature from ancient Roman mythology, the soul (spirit) of a deceased evil (according to other sources, any person who did not receive a proper burial), bringing misfortune and death to the living. She wanders at night and sends people crazy. Her breath is poisonous. It is believed that such a soul is able to inhabit women, and then they become walking and dissolute.

Some European occultists claim that the "larva" is a kind of disembodied "parasite spirit". This is a bad desire, not realized, but acquired an astral form and became a separate entity, which eventually acquires pseudo-individuality.

Larva in popular culture