Fern Flower
Published on November 11, 2018

The nagual

Regions of expansion

United States 1
United States of America


In the mythology of the Indians of Central America guardian spirit or double-animal. It could have (or implemented it), a sorcerer-shaman.

The nagual (eng. Nagual from of atst. nahualli is to be hidden, concealed) — in the mythology of the Indians of Central America, the guardian spirit, teriomorfny (mythical ability to turn into animal) double.

The nagual had not only people but also animals and gods. Often depicted in the form of animals (Jaguar, coyote, eagle, etc.). Also the nagual could be called the person practicing magic (warlock-shaman) and is able to transform into the totem animal.

In Aztec mythology it is the spirit-double, the patron of the newborn, which appeared in animal form. To establish the exact shape of a nagual, in the hut where the baby come, scattered sand; in the morning studied the tracks and determine what animal was incarnated double.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The nagual in popular culture


  • Кирилл Королев "Энциклопедия сверхъестественных существ"