Fern Flower
Published on March 14, 2023


  • Kupkan

Regions of expansion

Russia 1
Russian Federation


In the mythology and folklore of the Siberian Tatars, the spirit of a deceased sorcerer.

According to beliefs, he lives among people, looks no different from them. You can find out Myatsky if he sticks out his tongue, which reaches the ground.

Like ubyr and ubyrly, karchyk flies at night, turning into a fireball; drinks the blood of people, especially young girls who stay at home alone; sends diseases and epidemics. Only a mullah can save a person from Myatskaya with the help of a special prayer.

In Bashkir mythology, the image of Myatsky is contradictory: he acts not only as an evil being, but also as a positive character with the gift of foresight, a kind of assistant hero (Bashkir version of Dastan "Kuzy-Kurpyach Belyan Bayan-sylu").

Myatskai in popular culture