Fern Flower
Published on February 21, 2023


  • Mourinos
  • Maruxinos

Regions of expansion

Portugal 1 Spain 1


Mouros (port. Mouros, or port. Mouro) is a race of supernatural beings inhabiting the lands of Galicia, Asturias and Portugal since the beginning of time. For unknown reasons, they were forced to hide underground, and now they are usually seen by people near Castro and large mounds. Mouros work with gold, silver and precious stones, they collect huge treasures that are protected by cuelebre.

Mouros usually do not leave their homes, except for food and also on special dates, like the summer solstice.

Galician anthropologists have formed the theory that the mouros are the exact opposite character to the traditional Galician peasant.

Mouras enchantados (port. mouros enchantados) sometimes appear as giants or warriors, and they are also in the legend of Moura enchantada (port. moura encantada) and in the legend of the Mourinos or Maruxinos (port. mourinhos, maruxinhos), a small people similar to elves living underground.

Mouros in popular culture