Fern Flower
Published on December 3, 2022

Moon - eyed people

Regions of expansion

United States 1
United States of America


One myth of Native Americans is inextricably linked with the story of the moon-eyed people.

These are prehistoric red-haired and red-bearded giants who could not see during the day.

Their skin is not as white as that of light people among Europeans, but rather milky white, lighter than that of all Europeans, and very similar to the color of a white horse. Their bodies are covered all over with a thin short down of milky white color, which adds whiteness to their skin. Men would probably have white beard stubble if they did not prevent this by their custom of constantly plucking a young beard by the roots.

Their eyebrows are also milky white, like the hair on their head, and very thin, six or eight inches long, and prone to curling. And what is even more strange, their eyelids bend and open in an oblong shape directed downward at the corners, and form an arch or crescent shape with the points down.

Hence, and also from the fact that they see as clearly as on a moonlit night, they were called moon-eyed. For they do not see well in the sun, even on the clearest day; their eyes are weak and watery if the sun shines on them; so they do not go outside during the day, unless it is a cloudy dark day.

But despite the fact that they are sluggish, dull and restless during the day, however, when the moonlit nights come, they become animated and active, run outside the village and in the forest, jump like wild ducks; and run as fast as moonlight, even in the darkness and shadow of the forest, as well as other Indians by day, being as agile as they are, although not as strong and lustful.

Some early stories of Europeans describe tribes of natives who were not like all the other "red-skinned people", they looked like Europeans, had beards, red hair and blue eyes. These stories also say that such tribes of "Welsh Indians" spoke a language strangely similar to Welsh, and that some researchers could even communicate with them in this language.

Their main habitatĀ Fort Mountain, located in Georgia.

Moon - eyed people in popular culture