Fern Flower
Published on July 17, 2020



In the occult, parapsychology and spiritualism is a manifestation, in the presence of a medium outside a living matter of different degrees of consistency and level of organization, able to take forms of faces, limbs and human figures, both complete and inchoate.

It is considered that the figures and faces of people in séances materialists on the basis of the so-called "ectoplasm", the source of which is the body of psychic, though psychic and spiritualists the literature there are also reports apporte (the results of the teleportation) — unexplained occurrences in the observed closed spaces (sometimes in front of the audience) and inanimate objects (jewels, flowers, etc.), as well as animals, birds, insects.

Representatives of science in the vast majority deny reality and the very possibility of the phenomenon of materialization.

The skeptics, whose opinion was expressed, in particular, many members of the Society for psychical research (and later many professional magicians) believed that the only explanation opisyvaetsya phenomena could be a Scam from the mediums.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Materialization in popular culture


  • А. К. Дойль. История спиритуализма
  • А. Н. Аксаков. Анимизм и спиритизм