Fern Flower
Published on November 29, 2022


  • Dzero-gumo
  • Jeregumo

Regions of expansion

China 1 Taiwan 1 Japan 1
People's Republic of China
Taiwan, Province of China


A werewolf spider in Japanese and Chinese mythology.

The spider becomes a werewolf and gains magical power after living for more than 400 years. The Kumo spider can reach human size. He is very strong and has an intimidating appearance: a black and gold torso, red eyes burning with fire, and terrible paws with sharp, blade-like stings.

In human form - beautiful women with cold beauty, luring men into a trap and devouring them. Dzero-gumo (jorō-gumo) is a variant spelling of one of the names of Kumo (spider-whore). They prefer to settle near shady ponds and beautiful waterfalls.

There is a Thai legend about kumo, who turned into a Buddhist monk playing the zither. When a lonely traveler approached him, the monk offered him his zither as a gift. But as soon as a person picked up this tool, it immediately turned into a web and entangled him.

Kumo in popular culture