Fern Flower
Published on August 26, 2019


  • Kokjamu
  • Kojama
  • Kakzamu
  • Kolgami
  • Kalgomi
  • Kalgama

Regions of expansion

Russia 1
Russian Federation


The aborigines of Primorye believe in the existence of a forest humanoid creature.

He is a skinny creature of huge stature, about 3-5 m with a sharp, wedge-shaped head, which is always tied. He has very long thin crooked legs, bent at the knees and ending in hooves similar to moose. Kazyamu's hands have 2-3 fingers and are "like ticks". The skin on the face is black, and the body is covered with thick black fur, smeared with resin of coniferous trees, which, along with the bark, it eats.

You can only talk about the creature during the day, and in the evening and at night it is impossible, otherwise something bad will happen. His scrotum is huge, hanging almost to the ground. A brave hunter can ambush a creature and tear it off. She will bring him luck in hunting, if you do not succumb to persuasion and do not give her back for 7 years.

Images of Kazyamu were placed by people in the forest to protect hunting luck, which could be stolen by an evil shaman, as well as at home from leg diseases.

Kazama in popular culture