Fern Flower
Published on June 5, 2019


  • Jack the Jumper

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United Kingdom 1
United Kingdom


Jack the Jumper, or Jack-springs-on-heels, is a character in English folklore Victorian era, a humanoid creature, notable primarily for its ability to make jumps of amazing height.

The very first reports of the appearance of Jack the Jumper in London are dated 1837, the last date of his appearance is considered to be 1904. Appeared in many places in England and Scotland.

 Jack was described as a humanoid creature of tall stature and athletic build, with a "disgusting", "diabolical" face, pointed protruding ears, large claws on his fingers and glowing bulging eyes that "resemble red fireballs." In one of the descriptions, it is noted that Jack was wearing a black raincoat, in another — that he had a kind of helmet on his head, and he was dressed in tight-fitting white clothes, over which a waterproof raincoat was thrown. He was sometimes described as a "tall and thin gentleman."

It is indicated that Jack could emit clouds of blue and white flames from his mouth, and also that the claws on his hands were metal. At least two people claimed that Jack could speak English, and not only spoke clearly and competently, but also had a peculiar sense of humor.

In Czechoslovakia, a similar creature called Perak.

The story of Jack the Jumper is significant because of two points. Firstly, his image had a huge impact on the "comic culture" of the XX century, and it was his attire that became the prototype of the "superhero" costume (for example, a suit Batman). Secondly, it is the only "intelligent mystical being" in the history of mankind whose "case" was discussed at the level of a state institution that came to recognize its reality.

Jack-springs-on-heels in popular culture