Fern Flower
Published on March 15, 2023


  • Tag-eezi

Regions of expansion

Russia 1
Russian Federation


In the mythology of the Kazan and Siberian Tatars, the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia, the North Caucasus, Altai and Sayan, spirits are masters and patrons of human habitation, stable, water, wind, forests, roads, etc. Literally "lord", "lord", "host".

Among the peoples of Altai and Sayan, the spirits of the mountains (tag-eezi) and taiga are also considered the patrons of the genus. Oia protect their habitat.

They are mostly harmless, but actions unfriendly to them can cause reciprocal unkind actions.

Ideas about the external appearance of the AI are rather vague. Most often they are represented in the form of little men.

Iya in popular culture