Fern Flower
Published on November 12, 2018


  • Irigami
  • Inu-gami
  • Ingame
  • Ingami
  • Inukami

Regions of expansion

Japan 1


In Japanese mythology, a spirit in the form of a dog used by magicians in Western Japan. Inugami (я, from the Japanese words "inu" — dog and "kami" - deity, spirit).

To outside observers, he looks like an ordinary dog. However, its true form is a dried-up, mummified dog's head, dressed in ceremonial finery. This head is kept in the secret sanctuary of the owner of the house, hidden from prying eyes.

They usually helped the magician, but they could also attack him. They could inhabit a person.

Signs of obsession: pain in the chest, arms, legs or shoulders, a feeling of deep envy, unexpected dog barking, extreme hunger. Traces of dog teeth and claws are visible on the body of the deceased during possession.

Not only people, but also pets, and even inanimate objects could become victims of inugami.

Inugami in popular culture