Fern Flower
Published on July 28, 2020


  • Anchutka bespyatny
  • Goat - footed
  • Unclean
  • The Devil
  • The Crafty One
  • Jester


The devil (the same as the devil and is close to the concept of the devil). He has quite a lot of different names, since the name of the demon of hell, the name of the devil was not supposed to be pronounced aloud: Satan, anchutka bespyatny, simply "bespyatny", goat-footed, demon, unclean, evil, cursed, unnamed, enemy of the human race, buffoon, etc. V. I. Dahl and S. V. Maksimov list over a hundred names-euphemisms.

In English, devil. The images of the Baltic Velnyas are close to him (lit. velnias), Shaitan among the Islamic peoples, surt of the German-Scandinavians. For the first time the word was recorded by R. James in the Russian-English dictionary-diary of 1618-1619.

In Slavic mythology, an evil spirit is mischievous, playful and lustful. Under various nicknames and synonyms , he is a character of a huge number of fairy tales Eastern Europe, the most popular character of Russian demonology.

It was believed that the mere mention of the devil was enough for him to hear it and approach an unwary person, or even harm him.

Devils have a generally anthropomorphic appearance, but with the addition of some fantastic or monstrous details. The most common appearance is identical to the image of the ancient Pan, fauns and satyrs — horns, tail and goat legs or hooves, sometimes wool, less often pig piglet, claws, bat wings, etc. Devils are believed to be able to take the form of animals of the old cult — goats, wolves, dogs, ravens, snakes, etc., but sometimes they appear in the form of a human.

Heck in popular culture