Fern Flower
Published on November 11, 2018


  • Moguy
  • Mogwai

Regions of expansion

China 1
People's Republic of China


In ancient Chinese and Buddhist mythology, the spirit of the deceased, later the common name of demons. Gui looks like a human, but does not have a chin, does not cast a shadow, has the ability to suddenly become invisible, turns into animals and into a human in order to lure an unsuspecting traveler and kill him. In most cases, gui is the soul of the deceased by violent death or suicide.

According to Chinese tradition, "Mogui" or "Mogwai" (Kit. 魔鬼, pinyin: móguǐ; cant.魔怪, mo1 gwaai3) are demons that often harm people. They are said to reproduce sexually, during the mating season caused by the arrival of rains.

Gui in popular culture