Fern Flower
Published on November 11, 2018


  • Chirada
  • Gaganeshvara
  • Halone
  • Kamayusha
  • Karura
  • Kashyapi
  • Khpngarid
  • Cool
  • Nagantaka
  • Sitanana
  • Suparna
  • Vainatea
  • Vishnurata

Regions of expansion

India 1


Garuda (Skt. गरर, IAST: GaruḍA, tib. Khyung, Mkha` lding) is a mythical king of birds in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, half—man and half-bird.

In Hinduism, the riding bird (with a female body and head) of the god Vishnu, a fighter with naga snakes.

Garuda in popular culture