Fern Flower
Published on July 21, 2022


  • Finoderi

Regions of expansion

United Kingdom 1
United Kingdom


A variant of the hobgoblin, living only on the Isle of Man, is called Fenoderee (Fenoderee, Finoderi).

These are shaggy fairies with ugly facial features (according to some sources, the first Finodiri was Prince Ferrishin and the ugliness of his descendants is a punishment for falling in love with a mortal woman and refusing to attend some of the holidays of the Magical Land for her sake)  

These creatures have solid strength and can, if they want, help with the harvest and haymaking when bad weather is coming.

Finodiri's favorite pastime is to shake hands, because their handshake is so strong that they break the bones of their "rivals". However, they are not smart enough, so people who want to avenge bruises or broken bones send finodiri to bring water in a sieve or drive a hare with the help of sheep.

Finodiri should never be thanked for their help or given clothes, otherwise they will be offended and run away. They can't stand criticism.

Finoderi in popular culture