Fern Flower
Published on November 2, 2018


  • Dobby

Regions of expansion

United Kingdom 1
United Kingdom


A creature from the mythology of the borderlands between Scotland and England. He is considered a ghost, tied to a certain place. He could also be a house spirit similar to a brownie, and could also guard the treasure. The ego is distinguished by a not very developed mind.

The first mention of Dobie falls on the "Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft" by Walter Scott, now known mainly thanks to the Harry Potter books.

Usually a spirit can be tied to a place for two reasons. Either it's a kind of brownie like brownie, or it's the spirit of a person killed in this place (that's why pirates often created a guard spirit, killing a person in the place where the treasure is hidden).

Dobie is probably the restless spirits. for example, there is a legend about the ghost of a woman killed, according to legend, by her jealous husband. Her ghost was called "Dobie Mortam Tower", and it was said that her blood still periodically appears on the steps of the old Mortam Tower. She annoyed the servants so much that the local priest was called, who drove the ghost under the bridge. The bridge itself in 1771 made sense during the flood and after that no one heard about the ghost anymore.

Dobie in popular culture