Fern Flower
Published on July 21, 2022


Regions of expansion

Lithuania 1


Dave (lit. deive - "goddess") - in the mythology of the Lithuanians - spirits, goddesses.

Dave was introduced as beautiful women with long hair and big breasts.

They were considered excellent needlewomen, they were especially good at spinning and weaving. It was believed that Deyve was persecuted by mortals who were engaged in such work on Thursdays - the day of the thunder god, with whom Deyve were closely associated.

According to legend, the Deives loved children and often fell in love with human youths. They could even get married and live with them, but if they violated the taboo, they left.

According to the Jesuit missionaries of 1600, the deives were revered as the keepers of livestock and bread.

In some legends, Dave was described as the spirits of the forest and water or witches. The Lithuanian author of the 16th century Mazhvydas reported that Lithuanians have a hundred or even more deives, he listed them along with unclean spirits.

Dave in popular culture