Fern Flower
Published on October 29, 2018


  • Kinocephalus
  • Nohoiterim
  • Pesyegolovets
  • Psoglavets
  • Sunamukha
  • Cynocephalus

Regions of expansion

India 1 Libya 1 Ethiopia 1


Kinocephalus or Pseglavets is a creature known since the mythology of Ancient Greece, but legends about a creature with such a description can be found all over the world. It looks like a man with a dog's (sometimes wolf, jackal or hyena are mentioned) head. Sometimes they mention legs like a bull.

According to ancient writers, kinocephals lived in India, Libya, Ethiopia, Scythia — on the borders of the then ecumene. Aristotle in Animal stories mentions kinocephalians among monkeys, which researchers interpret as a description of baboons.

Hesiod mentions the "arrogant dogheads" among the offspring Gay-Earth, on a par with massagets and pygmies

Kinocephalus in popular culture