Fern Flower
Published on February 12, 2020


  • Chukly-mukly
  • Chukyl-mukyl
  • Ji maklya
  • Khokhla-mohr
  • Khokhla-makhrya

Regions of expansion

Russia 1
Russian Federation


A creature from the mythology of the Komi peoples. He lives in a fishing hut, probably being an analogue of a brownie. The name of the spirit roughly translates as "a creature with big crooked legs", has parallels in folklore: chukly-mukly "crooked-oblique", chukyl-mukyl "tj", as well as ji maklya (a character in children's songs).

Perhaps it is a loan. The average Vologda khokhla, Khokhla-mohr, Khokhla-mahrya is an evil spirit that frightened children. Russian mohar - mohor, a bunch of wool, feathers, a tuft, a braid; crest - a tuft of hair, wool, feathers on the head; crest - devil, devil, unclean.

Koklya-moklya in popular culture