Fern Flower
Published on July 17, 2020



Sverstnitsy the ability to obtain information about events past, present and future, is unavailable for rational ways.

Clairvoyance is usually referred to several different types of claimed supernatural abilities, including:

  • Extrasensory perception — the perception of objects that are not known to the senses.
  • Receiving, in the form of answers to specifically posed questions are mental, information about any current events or specific objects.
  • Obtaining information about the location and condition of the object on the earlier photos or previously associated with subjects, including diagnosis of the health of people or animals on their photos, location of the living being and its condition (alive/dead/sick/unhappy/satisfied/happy) and sometimes the message information about its current surroundings on the photos or things belonging to him.
  • Obtaining visual information about any objects that are not of immediate visual perception (clairvoyance), including "vision inner vision" of the body of living objects and the internal structure of objects.
  • The vision of the aura of living beings and a determination by the aura of their condition (including diagnosis).
  • The examination of "inner vision" of past events (which he "seers" see not might).
  • The perception of information about future events.

In contrast to divination, spiritualism, etc., clairvoyance involves the binding of the individual seer, and not to the used methods.

Belief in the existence of psychics in the real world is quite common, although scientifically confirmed cases of clairvoyance is not fixed.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Clairvoyance in popular culture