Fern Flower
Published on July 9, 2024


Regions of expansion

Peru 1


The word "chuyachaki" in Quechua, one of the most common languages in Peru, means "different legs".

Chuyachaki is a forest creature, his left foot is small, like a deer's hoof, and his right foot is of normal size. Chuyachaki can take the form of a man, an animal, a bird or a flower to laugh and make fun of travelers who have entered the forest, deceiving them with his appearance.

According to one version of the legend, however, Chuyachaki deceives only travelers who do not treat the forest with due respect or are going to harm it. Upon seeing such a man, Chuyachaki can turn into a friend, wife or brother of a traveler, deceive him into the thicket of the forest and leave him there as punishment. You can recognize Chuiachaki by his feet: even when he turns into another person, he retains his different feet.

As a precaution, superstitious travelers, entering the forest, loudly ask Chuiachaki for permission to enter the forest, promising not to offend its inhabitants and take only what is necessary for him to live. They also tell about people who allegedly fell under the influence of Chuyachaki – they were found in the forest months after they disappeared, distraught, unable to explain what made them climb into the thicket of the forest.

Chuyachaki in popular culture